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  • 15 min light spin ideally checking the first miles of the event. 
  • Remember to start in the right gear. Big crank is loaded.
  • Use the warmup to visualize you are going to be strong and enjoy the event
  • We should drink 2 scoops of infinite before the start so we go from the go loaded. 
Event Start – 1 hour
  • If feeling strong follow the group. Don’t waste energy.
  • This is a time to analyze and assess how you feel and who is riding with you.
  • Keep an eye on the RHR. Red heart rate this is a HR that could lead you to brake if holding for more than 1 hour. 
  • If drafting, don’t worry about watts unless you are above the intended watts. 
  • If alone, chasing or in front keep -+ 5-10 watts of the strategy 

Event – hour 2 – 4

  • If in group keep in draft
  • If alone keep your watts
  • If force to be in front keep in the range and don’t pull for more than 2 min
  • Remember nutrition


Event last hour

  • If drafting hold to go hard for the last 30 min
  • If alone jump into the short loop strategy
  • Last 30 min you have free range to go. 
  • Remember you can last 210-220 W for at least 20 min after 5 hours


Nutrition Strategy

  • Breakfast 6am
  • Lunch 11am
  • 1pm: 1 Gatorade and banana if needed
  • 2 scoops of infinit before start
  • 1 water bottle every 45-55 min (2 scoops)
  • Gels as needed
  • 1 caffeine gel at 5 hours
  • 1 caffeine gel at 5:30

MD-6 hours challenge

Power Strategy

Garmin Recommended fields