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General Notes

  • The half 21km (13.1m) test will consist of a warmup followed by a straight 21km effort (no stops)
  • During the test, we care only about pace per mile. Don’t worry about HR. 
  •  Ideally in a 2 loop route but is your choice.
  • For this test, we are following an educated effort. So once you start the 21k please keep an eye on your watch using the CURRENT LAP screen. 
  • It is important that you check the pace of that current lap every 20 secs to 30 secs. So you have time to correct the pace.
  • For instance, if you are supposed to keep that particular mile around 7:10 and your current lap is marking 6:50 you need to slow down. We go as close as we can for the prescribed pace. Except for the last 3 miles if you feel strong you can push faster. 
  • There should not be water breaks unless you are carrying the water with you. 


25 min total follow instructions below

  • 00-10 min HR < 140
  • 11-20 min HR < 160
  • Stop and stretch 
  • Get a 2 infinit scoops in 10 Oz of water
  • Start running again
  • 20-22 min HR < 170
  • walk 3 min
  • 10 progressive sprints x 20 secs long
  • walk back to the start point after each sprint

21K Run Time Trial

Cool Down

  • 15 to 20 min easy HR < 140
  • Stretch