The 10km (6.2m) test will consist of a warmup followed by a straight 10km effort (no stops)
During the test, we care only about pace per mile. Don’t worry about HR.
Ideally in a track. It will be 25 laps. Even if your watch completes the 10km before the 25 laps please complete them
For this test, we are following an educated effort. So once you start the 10k please keep an eye on your watch using the CURRENT LAP screen.
It is important that you check the pace of that current lap every 30 secs to 45 secs. So you have time to correct the pace.
For instance, if you are supposed to keep that particular mile around 7:10 and your current lap is marking 6:50 you need to slow down. We go as close as we can for the prescribed pace. Except for the last 1.2 miles if you feel strong you can push faster.
There should not be water breaks unless you are carrying the water with you.